Cyber Security research initiative
1 JANUARY 2003
Charles Sturt University (CSU) Adjunct Lecturer and leading Australian cyber security expert, Dr Craig Wright has been appointed as the Asia Pacific Director of Global Institute for Cyber security Research (GICSR), an international non-profit organisation seeking to advance a comprehensive range of cyber security initiatives, cyber innovations and research.
Charles Sturt University (CSU) Adjunct Lecturer and leading Australian cyber security expert, Dr Craig Wright has been appointed as the Asia Pacific Director of Global Institute for Cyber security Research (GICSR), an international non-profit organisation seeking to advance a comprehensive range of cyber security initiatives, cyber innovations and research.
GICSR International Executive Director Mr Richard Zaluski said, "We are pleased to announce that Craig has joined the GICSR Board of Directors. Craig is one of the world’s most highly qualified digital forensic practitioners and has not only worked to develop many of the techniques in common practice, but is also working to expand the field of knowledge. Craig designed the architecture for the world’s first online casino, Lasseter’s Online, in the Northern Territory. In the past, he has also designed and managed the implementation of many of the systems that protect the Australian Stock Exchange".
Dr Wright’s initial focus in the role will be to:
· Establish a regional ‘centre of excellence’ in cyber security with the region’s leading research organisations and cyber security universities such as Charles Sturt University. The initial focus of the centre will be to establish Doctoral research projects in cyber security priority areas including cyber extortion, identify theft and money laundering;
· Ensure that the regional cyber security decision makers including government intelligence communities, intelligence services, law enforcement agencies, major universities and research and development agencies have input to the international standards being developed with GICSR international;
· Establish similar relationships with regional intelligence agencies, governments and security vendors to those that GICSR have in place with the NSA, FBI, DHS, NASA and NIST in the USA. The focus of these relationships will be to assist government, industry and security vendors to be much more aligned to the cyber threats posed by national and international actors, corporate espionage, cyber ‘hacktivists’ and cartels: groups that pose a direct and growing threat to National Security through economic impact through breaches that lead to the leakage or direct loss of trade secrets, intellectual property and confidential customer data.
“As the world becomes more and more interconnected, the threats to global security are heading into electronic systems with critical infrastructure and international financial systems prime targets,” Dr Wright said. “Only by working jointly can we counter these threats. Setting up a platform to share information is the greatest defence we can offer against cyber-crime and cyber-terror.”
With a global outlook and focus, GICSR facilitates interaction, research, development, and education, to create an environment for international collaboration on global information systems security, cyber security initiatives (focusing on comprehensive National Security Strategies for Cyber Space and the unique challenges inherent to them), and on the issues that know no boundary in the digital world.
“Cyber security is one of the greatest challenges faced in an ultra-competitive international environment,” Dr Wright said.
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