
We recommend subscribing via RSS - this way you will receive all the latest news items more frequently - please add this feed to your RSS app. If you use Outlook, you can add this feed so you'll still get news directly in to Outlook - under a folder called 'RSS Feeds' - our news articles will also then appear as Outlook search results - you'll never miss an article again.



If you need help adding a Charles Sturt News RSS feed to Microsoft Outlook, please take a look at this Microsoft help page - Manually add an RSS feed to Outlook

  • For Gmail - follow these instructions How To Use Gmail As An RSS Reader
  • For Windows 10 users without Outlook - search the Microsoft Store for RSS apps or check this one out Dark RSS Reader
  • For Apple Mac users - search your Apple App Store for RSS apps - there are quite a few paid and free ones to choose from
  • For Apple Mac users on macOS 10.12 or earlier - you can choose an App Store app or use Safari's built-in RSS reader
  • For mobile users - both Apple and Android - check out the RSS apps in your App Store