CSU public lecture examines politics of Indigenous health

5 AUGUST 2015

A free public lecture at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Bathurst on Tuesday 18 August will explore contemporary Australian Indigenous health policy. The lecture, Indigenous health: power, politics and citizenship, by Associate Professor Dominic O'Sullivan introduces his new book of the same title. Professor O'Sullivan is Associate Head of the CSU School of Humanities and Social Sciences and senior lecturer in political science in Bathurst. Head of Campus at CSU in Bathurst, Professor Jo-Anne Reid, said this free public lecture will examine contemporary Australian Indigenous health policy as a site of contested perspectives about Indigenous citizenship and 'belonging' to the modern state. "Professor O'Sullivan's lecture will explain how the political system itself contributes to policy failure in Indigenous health," Professor Reid said. "He will consider the claims that Indigenous people can reasonably make on the public health system, and examine what these claims mean for contemporary Australian conceptions of citizenship, democracy, and human rights." The CSU Explorations Series free public lecture starts at 6pm Tuesday 18 August in room 223 in building 1292, with the nearest parking in car park P7. Follow the event parking signs and balloons. Light refreshments will be served after the lecture. To attend, please register here (for catering purposes), or for more information, contact CSU regional relations assistant Ms Olivia Wyborn on owyborn@csu.edu.au or phone (02) 6338 4645.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews.

Recordings of previous Explorations Series lectures can be accessed here.

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BathurstArts and CultureCharles Sturt UniversityResearchHealthAllied healthIndigenousSociety and Community