US entrepreneur boosts Indigenous businesses

28 MAY 2014

African-American author and business leader Mr Clifton Taulbert will meet and address academics and Indigenous business students at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Bathurst on Thursday 29 May. Mr Taulbert is the guest of the CSU Faculty of Business and his visit follows the formal launch of the Australian Indigenous Leadership and Entrepreneurship Research Cluster in Sydney on Wednesday 28 May. He is helping to highlight the current Australian Indigenous leadership and entrepreneurship research being conducted at CSU. Dr Michelle Evans, senior lecturer in leadership at the CSU School for Management and Marketing, said, "The Faculty is committed to producing fundamental knowledge in the developing area of Australian Indigenous leadership and entrepreneurship. Mr Taulbert has extensive experience in the comparable field in the US as an entrepreneur and a leader. His presentation, 'Entrepreneurial Thinking and Personal Resolve', will discuss the tremendous changes to the workplace and the need bring entrepreneurial thinking and a personal resolve to business endeavours in order to succeed."

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BathurstBusiness and EconomicsCharles Sturt UniversityResearchCSU studentsIndigenousInternational