Graduation season at CSU in Wagga Wagga
12 DECEMBER 2016
The Chair of Indigenous Affairs at Charles Sturt University (CSU) Mr Stan Grant will deliver the Occasional Address during one of five graduation ceremonies to be held in Wagga Wagga this week.More than 900 graduates will receive their postgraduate and undergraduate degrees during the ceremonies in Joyes Hall at CSU in Wagga Wagga from 3pm Wednesday 14 December to Friday 16 December.Highlights of the ceremonies at CSU in Wagga Wagga include:3pm, Wednesday 14 December- 216 graduates from the Faculty of Arts and Education will attend the ceremony.- The Occasional Address will be delivered by Head of Campus at CSU in Wagga Wagga, Ms Miriam Dayhew.- Dr Tessa Daffern will be awarded her PhD, An examination of spelling acquisition in the middle and upper primary school years. Her research has shown how a child's proficiency in spelling, grammar and punctuation can predict their success with writing. She also developed a tool to help educators measure spelling performance. Read more in CSU News here.- Dr Brooke Scriven will be awarded her PhD, The Social Accomplishment of a Young Child's Digital Literacies in the Home. This research considers how a 3 year old child accomplishes digital literacy practices in interaction with her family at home. It contributes understanding of the child's interactional ability to manage activities and accomplish digital literacies, which may inform future policy and education practices.9.30am, Thursday 15 December- 185 graduates from the Faculty of Arts and Education and the Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences will attend the ceremony.- The Occasional Address will be delivered by CSU Chair of Indigenous Affairs, Wiradjuri man and journalist, Mr Stan Grant. It follows the publication last month of his essay, 'The Australian Dream, Blood, History and Becoming' in the Quarterly Essay journal.- 20 graduates will be awarded a Graduate Certificate in Wiradjuri Language, Culture and Heritage, only the second group of graduates to receive the postgraduate degree. Among the graduates is two local schools teachers: Ms Stacey Cox from Wagga High and Mater Dei Catholic College's Ms Pauline Streckfess - Dr Julie Montgarrett, a lecturer in the School of Communication and Creative Industries, will be awarded her PhD, Temporary Alignments: Between Fraught Fictions and Fragile Facts. Through her PhD creative practice, Dr Montgarrett explores the 'blind-spots' in the history of genocide in Van Diemen's Land from 1803 to 1828. - Dr Lester Alan Watson, from Canberra, will be awarded his PhD, Researching with Young People who Provide Primary Care for a Family Member with Mental or Physical Health Problems: A Critical Psychology Approach. This research collaborated with a group of young people from rural and remote areas to examine their experiences as a family carer. Dr Watson is an adjunct Research Fellow in the School of Psychology.3pm, Thursday 15 December- 189 graduates are from the Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences and the Faculty of Science will attend the ceremony.- The University Council will posthumously confer the title of Doctor of Business (honoris causa) on Mr Geoff Honey. It will be accepted by his widow Mrs Cheryl Honey. Mr Honey was Executive Director of the Division of Student Administration at CSU when he died suddenly in May this year.- The Occasional Address will be delivered by the Federal Member for Riverina, The Hon. Mr Michael McCormack MP.- 15 Cambodian graduates from the Economics and Finance Institute in Phnom Penh will be awarded their Master of Commerce. They'll be accompanied to Wagga Wagga by 37 family members including young children. CSU will host a dinner for the graduates on Thursday evening.- Bachelor of Agricultural Science graduate Ms Jessica Kirkpatrick will be awarded the Agricultural Science Medal. From the south western Victorian town of Beaufort, Ms Kirkpatrick is in grain trade. Ms Kirkpatrick was awarded Horizon Scholarship in 2014, read more on CSU News here.- Dr Felicity Harris will be awarded her PhD, The Relationship Between Vigour and Earliness in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Dr Harris' research has expanded the understanding of the effects of development genes in wheat on the plant's vigour or accumulation of biomass, providing valuable information for wheat breeders.- Dr Paris Grant-Preece will be awarded her PhD, Reactions of iron and organic acids relevant to the light-induced spoilage of white wine studied in model solutions. Dr Grant-Preece's research focused on the iron (III) organic acid complexes in white wine as photoactive agents that can accelerate spoilage. The research has identified how the shelf-life of white wine can be better controlled.- Dr Helen Waite will be awarded her PhD, Proteomic and growth responses of grapevine shoots to heat stress and nursery practices in the propagation context. Her research focused on fungal trunk diseases in grape vines and has led to the development of propagation protocols for the vine nursery industry and an app to assess the quality of planting material. Dr Waite hopes this will help the industry to remain sustainable by producing high quality vines that are healthy and productive for many years with fewer inputs. Read more in CSU News here.9.30am, Friday 16 December - 140 graduates from the Faculty of Science will attend the ceremony.- The Occasional Address will be delivered by the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science Professor Tim Wess.- Wiradjuri woman and Director of CSU's Bachelor of Health Science (Mental Health) program Dr Faye McMillan will be awarded a Doctor of Health Science, Shared meaning of leadership through accounts of the experiences of Indigenous/First Nations women leaders. Her thesis demonstrates the importance of understanding issues faced by Indigenous women when undertaking leadership roles. Dr McMillan's mother and CSU academic Ms Robyn McMillan will present the Doctorate to her daughter.- Dr Jamin Forbes will be awarded his PhD, Population dynamics and implications for management of a Murray cod and golden perch recreational fishery in south-eastern Australia. His study into the growth of Murray cod and golden perch and the effectiveness of stocking of these fish species in rivers and dams has helped to inform management of the fisheries in the southern Murray Darling Basin. Read more in CSU News here.- Dr Muhammad Shoaib Tufail from Pakistan will be awarded his PhD, Development of Berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), village-based forage seed enterprises for the profitability and sustainability of smallholder farmers of Pakistan in mixed farming systems. Dr Tufail this year appeared in ABC's International Student Stories series.3pm, Friday 16 December - 187 graduates from the Faculty of Science will attend the ceremony.- The University Medal will be presented to Bachelor of Pharmacy graduate Mrs Jean Bragg from the Cootamundra. Mrs Bragg was a veterinarian in 2013 when she sought a career change and started studying pharmacy degree at CSU.- The Occasional Address will be delivered by the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science Professor Tim Wess.- Dr Syed Haris Omar's PhD, Pharmacology of Olive Biophenols in Alzheimer's Disease Prevention and Treatment suggests chemical compounds found in the leaves fruit and oil of olives have great potential for the prevention or treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Read more in CSU News here.
Media Note:
CSU Media Officers Fiona Halloran and Emily Malone will be at the graduation ceremonies in Joyes Hall, Pine Gully Road CSU in Wagga Wagga from 3pm Wednesday 17 December to 3pm Friday 16 December.
For further information, contact CSU Media on 0439 475 315.
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