Faith leaders to discuss Australia’s changing religious landscape

9 MAY 2023

Faith leaders to discuss Australia’s changing religious landscape

The University will facilitate four sessions, featuring Professor Stan Grant Jnr as host, to discuss the relevance of reconciliation, democracy and God in the modern world.

Faith leaders will discuss a variety of topics, including reconciliation, democracy and the relevance of ‘God today’ in Interfaith Dialogues hosted by Professor Stan Grant Jnr.

Executive Director of the Charles Sturt Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture Professor Anthony Maher (pictured, inset) and Charles Sturt Vice-Chancellor's Chair of Australian-Indigenous Belonging Professor Stan Grant Jnr will host a series of four public Interfaith Dialogues.

The series will be hosted with Yindyamarra Nguluway and Bluestar Institute and include a panel of six faith leaders from different religions.

Each speaker will engage with introductory remarks followed by a question and answer session hosted by Professor Grant Jnr between the panel and audience.

The 2021 Census indicated an increase in religious diversity and an increase in people with ‘no religion’. The Interfaith Dialogues aim to show how different faith traditions can speak to important issues of today.

“Interfaith Dialogue has been an important aspect of the work at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture for many decades,” Professor Maher said.

“In partnership with Charles Sturt University and Yindyamarra, as well as the Bluestar Institute, it is a pleasure to host Stan Grant and the other faith leaders to the Centre as we aspire to co-create ‘Wisdom for the Common Good’.

“In an age we might best describe as post-secular, at least in a Western cultural context, Christians of tomorrow require the capacity to reconsider how we think and talk meaningfully about God, faith and being a member of? the Church in the post-secular age.

“The secularist agenda is undergoing serious critique and reformation, because it seeks to suppress so much that is basic to the human condition, in particular, our desire for the transcendent, for the sacred and the spiritual.”

Upcoming Interfaith Dialogue sessions include:

  • Wednesday 17 May – The Voice and Reconciliation
  • Wednesday 12 July – Faith and the Democratic: Should faith-based traditions engage in politics?
  • Wednesday 13 September – God in a post-secular world: Can we speak meaningfully about God today?
  • Wednesday 15 November – Religion and the Good Life: Is religion a force for good in the world and does religion help people lead a good life?

Sessions will be held from 6pm to 7.30pm in the Chapel at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture.

Media Note:

To arrange interviews with Professor Anthony Maher, contact Nicole Barlow at Charles Sturt Media on 0429 217 026 or

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