- Charles Sturt to discuss new initiatives, future planning, and collaborative opportunities for the Dubbo region
- Chamber Breakfast to be held at Charles Sturt in Dubbo
Charles Sturt University (Charles Sturt) will discuss the University’s current initiatives and future plans for the Dubbo region at the Dubbo
Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast on Wednesday 7 August.
Charles Sturt’s Strategic Adviser, Regional Engagement the Hon Fiona Nash will address the local business community at the event to provide an update on the University’s development and engagement with the community of Dubbo.
Ms Nash will speak about new initiatives, future planning, and collaborative opportunities with Charles Sturt for businesses in the region.
“I look forward to updating the local business community about how Charles Sturt in Dubbo is contributing to the region, and what the future holds regarding the University's continuing engagement and strong partnerships with the local community,” Ms Nash said.
Ms Nash said events like the Business Breakfast are valuable for regional businesses and provide an opportunity for partnerships and collaborations.
“Businesses in regional areas definitely rely on each other and need to work together and create opportunities for each other,” she said.
“At Charles Sturt, we are very focused on developing initiatives and working with local communities to contribute to the regions economically and socially.”
The Dubbo Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast will be held at Charles Sturt in Dubbo at 7am on Wednesday 7 August.
Tickets to the event are $33 for Chamber Members and $49 for non-members, and can be purchased via the Dubbo Chamber of Commerce website.
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