UN Regional Youth Summit in Bathurst to inspire collaboration and meaningful change

6 MARCH 2025

UN Regional Youth Summit in Bathurst to inspire collaboration and meaningful change

Charles Sturt University, in partnership with the Central NSW Joint Organisation and United Nations Youth NSW, will host a Regional Youth Summit in Bathurst on Wednesday 26 March.

  • The UN Regional Youth Summit will be held at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst on Wednesday 26 March

Charles Sturt University, in partnership with the Central NSW Joint Organisation and United Nations Youth NSW, will host a Regional Youth Summit in Bathurst on Wednesday 26 March.

The Summit is tailored to empower young voices and will feature a consultation with Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations, Ms Satara Uthayakumaran.

Charles Sturt Director of External Engagement (Orange and Bathurst) Ms Julia Andrews said the UN Regional Youth Summit offers a unique opportunity for young people in the Central West to engage with democracy and explore global issues through a local lens.

“The Summit will be an opportunity for UN Youth to engage with regional students to improve the opportunities for their voices to be represented,” Ms Andrews said.

“This forum will amplify regional youth voices and ensure the issues identified go on to be represented at the next UN General Assembly in New York. The forum will also provide our young people with a better understanding of the critical roles and responsibilities of the United Nations.”

The 2025 Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations Ms Satara Uthayakumaran will lead the Youth Representative Consultation section of the Summit.

Since 1999, UN Youth Australia, in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), has supported the annual Youth Representative to the United Nations, a role that includes conducting the largest nationwide consultation tour with young Australians.

In 2025, Satara’s Listening Tour focuses on how Australia can respond meaningfully and effectively to the diverse and intersectional voices of young people.

Recent years have shown young Australians are at the forefront of exposing systemic injustices and inequalities, and Satara’s mission is to ensure their voices are heard, acknowledging that one-size-fits-all solutions do not address the complexities of these challenges.

Ms Andrews said the Summit provides a forum for young people to have agency and direct influence over all levels of government and the United Nations.

“This influence comes from directly listening to what matters to them and we cannot overstate the importance of this empowerment in the current political climate, especially as it is not an opportunity often available to young advocates,” she said.

Young people interested in participating can register or express interest here.

Registrations must be made before Monday 17 March. Further questions about registration can be directed to engagebathurst@csu.edu.au.

The UN Regional Youth Summit will be held on campus at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst (Panorama Avenue), in building 1292, room 223, on Village Drive, opposite car park 7.

UN Youth NSW is a volunteer-led organisation dedicated to creating spaces that educate and empower young Australians to address global issues. Through interactive workshops, competitions, and community initiatives, it inspires youth to become informed and active global citizens. For more information, visit www.unyouth.org.au.

Media Note:

To arrange interviews with Ms Julia Andrews, contact Bruce Andrews at Charles Sturt Media on mobile tel:0418669362  or news@csu.edu.au

Photo: Representatives of UN Youth Australia (left) at the recent Charles Sturt University Orientation Week ‘Clubs and Market Day’ on Bathurst campus, and new students.

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BathurstCharles Sturt UniversitySociety and Community