Religion & Ethics

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Governor-General to attend signing of Islamic Studies agreement

Governor-General to attend signing of Islamic Studies agreement

The Governor-General of Australia, Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC, will attend an historic signing of an agreement which will increase exposure to Islamic issues among CSU students and staff.

Charles Sturt UniversitySociety and Community

Leading anti-apartheid theologian to speak at CSU

Leading anti-apartheid theologian to speak at CSU

A leading international theologian who fought to end apartheid in South Africa will deliver a public lecture at CSU's Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture in Canberra on Monday 26 May.

Charles Sturt UniversityInternationalSociety and Community

Truth and reconciliation for Solomon Islands

Truth and reconciliation for Solomon Islands

A leading Australian theologian and a South African bishop famous for his anti-apartheid advocacy will travel to the Solomon Islands on Tuesday 28 April to jointly speak about truth and reconciliation processes for the troubled Pacific nation.

Charles Sturt UniversityInternational

Without trust comes surveillance
RELIGION & ETHICS  29 Oct 2002

Without trust comes surveillance

Ever wondered if your emails are being monitored by the boss? Feel like you’re being watched at work?

Business &CommerceReligion &EthicsScience &IT

A meeting of science and religion
RELIGION & ETHICS  31 Jul 2002

A meeting of science and religion

Religion and science: friends or foes? These awkward bedfellows will come together at a rare meeting of theologians and scientists from around the world in Canberra from 25 to 30 January.

Charles Sturt University

Media relationships under the ethics spotlight
RELIGION & ETHICS  17 Jun 2002

Media relationships under the ethics spotlight

The bond of trust that governs the media’s relationship with the public and government will be one of the ethical issues under the spotlight at the first international conference on media ethics to be held in Australia next month.

Media &CommunicationReligion &Ethics

When does human life begin? Dilemma for scientists and theologians
RELIGION & ETHICS  22 Jan 2002

When does human life begin? Dilemma for scientists and theologians

Ethical and moral problems over cloning and stem cell research lie in our understanding of when human life begins, according to a leading Australian scientist who will speak at an international science and religion workshop in Canberra on Monday 28 January.

HealthSociety and Community

Digging up dirt a religious experience

Digging up dirt a religious experience

Dirt, religion and politics came together last week for the turning of the first sod to begin the construction program for the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture in Canberra, ACT.

Charles Sturt University

Prime Minister on Federation pilgrimage
RELIGION & ETHICS  24 Sep 2001

Prime Minister on Federation pilgrimage

The Prime Minister, the Hon. John Howard MP, will become the first pilgrim at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture during a Centenary of Federation ceremony in Canberra tomorrow, Wednesday 26 September.

Charles Sturt University

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