2018 CSU inter-campus blood donation challenge

7 MARCH 2018

At the recent Orientation Week Market Day at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Bathurst, new students signed up to become blood donors in time for the annual 2018 CSU Inter-Campus Blood Challenge.During the Inter-Campus Blood Challenge from Thursday 1 March to Sunday 1 July, eligible students and staff at all CSU campuses compete to donate the most blood.In 2017, CSU staff and students made a total of 768 donations, with the most donations (n = 348) from CSU in Wagga Wagga, while the highest proportion of donations was from CSU in Port Macquarie (17.5 per cent of staff and students donated).Mr John Feist, Australian Red Cross Blood Service NSW/ACT Community Relations Officer, said this was a great effort but more blood is always needed and he urged all CSU staff and students to donate blood.“The Australian Red Cross Blood Service appreciates every blood donation it receives, and thanks all its donors for taking the time to donate,” Mr Feist said.“Each donation can save three lives, so the University’s donations in 2017 saved over 2 300 lives. That’s outstanding.”The Red Cross mobile blood unit will be at CSU in Bathurst from Monday 12 to Wednesday 14 March.CSU in Bathurst student liaison officer Mr Scott Hatch said, “Wherever students and staff donate, as long as they are registered as a member of the ‘CSU Bathurst’ Red25 group then their donation will count in the challenge. They can register online at the Red Cross website or via staff at the mobile unit on the day of donation.“To book an appointment students can call 13 1495 or go to www.donateblood.com.au. If they can’t make the visit on campus, the mobile unit is in Bathurst every month at the McDonald’s car park on Durham Street, and will be back on campus in May.”

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews.

Photos show some of the new CSU students who signed up to be blood donors for the annual 2018 CSU Inter-Campus Blood Challenge.

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