CenWest Innovate: helping to develop female job creators

4 JUNE 2018

* CSU social entrepreneurship course for 35 future female leaders * Course will focus on how to use STEM skills to solve ‘wicked problems’ * Students will be inspired by local women in STEM and entrepreneurshipThirty five female high school students will participate in a two and a half day social entrepreneurship course at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Bathurst on Wednesday 6 to Friday 8 June.CenWest Innovate program coordinator Ms Christine Sweeney, said “CenWest Innovate at Charles Sturt University has partnered with Young Change Agents to present the course for which will focus on how these future female leaders can use STEM skills to solve ‘wicked problems’ of the group’s choosing.“A 2017 evaluation report ‘Social Enterprise in Schools’ shows that these kinds of programs can put young people in the driver’s seat for developing 21st century enterprise and collaboration skills, attitudes, and behaviours.“Students are being prepared for further education and employment in the future, shifting their mindset from job seeker to job creator through a hands-on business experience.“At the end of the course, groups will pitch their social enterprise ideas to a judging panel. The students will also get to meet some inspiring local women in STEM and entrepreneurship throughout the course of the program.”Special guests include Ms Zoe Hida (Appiwork), Ms Sally Palmer (WabiSabie), Ms Rachel Nicoll (Hartley Branch President, NSW Farmers Association), and Ms Stacey Whittaker (Bathurst Real Estate) who have agreed to act as judges of the pitches on the final day.Four Bathurst high schools have registered teams of five female students (aged 13 to 18) to participate in the program. The schools are The Scots School, Mary Mackillop College, All Saints College, and Denison College (Kelso campus).The program is supported by CSU School of Management and Marketing, CSU Future Moves and the NSW Government through Women NSW.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews with Ms Christine Sweeney, program coordinator for CenWest Innovate at CSU in Bathurst.

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BathurstBusiness and EconomicsCharles Sturt UniversityCSU students