CSU Amazing Race boosts Daffodil Cottage in Bathurst
Staff and students at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Bathurst have raised more than $8 600 by staging the inaugural CSU Amazing Race to support local cancer support organisation Daffodil Cottage. The CSU Amazing Race was staged over two weeks from 1pm to 4pm on Wednesday 16 and Wednesday 23 September. Head of Campus at CSU in Bathurst Professor Jo-Anne Reid said the 2015 event has aimed to generate awareness of and funding for the building extension project of the Daffodil Cottage cancer support unit. "Our ongoing aim is to raise over $5 000 dollars each year for a project that will benefit the Bathurst community, as well as link and engage the spirit of the University community," Professor Reid said. "Well done to all the teams and their supporters who took part and contributed their good will, good humour and good competitive spirit to make the inaugural CSU Amazing Race such a great success. My particular thanks go to the organising team, our student interns, and our wonderful student web developer, Todd McIntosh. It is great to see the community spirit that has extended across the whole campus, involving both students and staff." Professor Reid said by the end of counting at 3pm on Wednesday $5 644 had been raised by registered donations, plus an additional $540 was collected in the Daffodil Cottage buckets. "It is an 'amazing' anonymous donation of $2 500 that has brought the total to $8 684," Professor Reid said. "The University is particularly grateful to this donor, whose generosity gave us the initial incentive and then spurred us on with the promise of the matching funding. People can still donate to this worthy cause via the Amazing Race website at www.csuamazingrace.com.au, until next Monday morning 28 September." The Creative Comm-rades team topped the leader board at the end of the Race by raising $1 033 in donations, closely followed by Crouching Frog, Hidden Librarians which raised $1 007. The Challenge Race winning team was the Terrific Teachers, with the Crouching Frog, Hidden Librarians as runners-up.
Media Note:
Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews. Pictured with the CSU Amazing Race Bathurst Campus Shield are Head of Campus Professor Jo-Anne Reid and Mr Doug Kinlyside from Daffodil Cottage, with students who helped organise and run the event.
Daffodil Cottage is an oncology palliative care and treatment facility in the grounds of Bathurst Base Hospital. It provides support for people living in Bathurst, Blayney, Oberon, and surrounding areas. The CSU Amazing Race goal in 2015 is to maintain and enhance the University's links with Daffodil Cottage by raising funds to support the expansion of this facility. It is intended that the CSU Amazing Race will become an annual campus event. The Bathurst Campus Shield will be presented each year to the team, School, Office or other campus group that wins the race.
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