CSU and Denison College enhance teacher education

17 OCTOBER 2017

Academics at Charles Sturt University (CSU) and high school teachers at Denison College will launch The Hub project at the Kelso High School campus in Bathurst at 1pm on Wednesday 18 October.Sub Dean for Workplace Learning and Associate Head of the CSU School of Teacher Education in Bathurst Dr Matt Winslade said The Hub initiative aimed to provide CSU initial teacher education students with the most practical experience and perspectives on current and future classroom practice."This is all about bridging the theory-practice gap for our students" Dr Winslade said."We appreciate the opportunity to work so closely with teaching colleagues at the two campuses of Denison College in Bathurst, and aim to ensure an enhanced learning experience for our students."HT Teacher Mentor at Denison College Ms Jacqui Hood said, "By building a collaborative partnership between Charles Sturt University and Denison College, we are in a stronger position to be preparing our teachers of the future for success."The Hub launch will be held in the library at the Kelso High Campus, Boyd Street, Bathurst, at 1pm on Wednesday 18 October. CSU practicum students will be teaching a Year 8 class.CSU academics will speak about partnerships, stronger connections, process improvement, communications, change in course structures, best practice, reflection, improving graduate success. Senior Denison College educators will be available for interview, including the principal of Kelso High Mr Mick Sloan who will discuss the CSU Mentor Program. The principal of Bathurst High School Mr Ken Barwick who will discuss 'Great Teaching Inspired Learning' (GTIL), professional teaching standards, modules, professional learning, staffing schools, improving future teachers state-wide.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews with Dr Matt Winslade, the Sub Dean for Workplace Learning and Associate Head of the CSU School of Teacher Education.

The CSU Faculty of Arts and Education workplace learning coordinator Ms Kelly Tribolet and senior lecturer Dr Deb Clarke will also be available for interview. Ms Tribolet provides the link between CSU and schools in the Bathurst area. Dr Clarke has facilitated the first of the joint subject delivery projects working with teachers from Denison College to deliver an integrated program to fourth year initial teacher education students, culminating in a series of professional preparation interviews with Principals from Denison College. Other CSU staff involved in The HUB initiative include Associate Professor Lucie Zundans, Associate Professor Will Letts, and professional experience lecturer Ms Alison Ayrton.

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BathurstCharles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsTeaching and EducationHigher educationTeacher education