CSU renovates historic Bathurst building

1 JANUARY 2003

Charles Sturt University (CSU) has a diverse property portfolio across its regional locations, and one such property currently undergoing renovation at 126 William Street, Bathurst, was most recently a restaurant and function centre known as Lamplighters Restaurant. Before that it was the Galloping Grape bar and restaurant, and prior to that the AMP Society Building. “This is a landmark building in Bathurst and is on the University’s heritage register,” said Mr Keith Hogan, Director, Procurement and Risk Management, in the CSU Division of Facilities Management. “It is also distinguished on the Bathurst City Council Regional Local Environmental Plan as a significant historical building. Following an asset management review of the building in the first half of 2010, funds have been allocated to enable the start of repairs to the property. This work consists of restoration of the historic front facade, repainting internally and externally, separation of the upstairs offices with repairs to flooring and services, and a number of priority works to protect and enhance the property.” The Executive Director of the CSU Division of Facilities Management, Mr Steve Butt, said, “Charles Sturt University supports sustainability of its built environment with a view to reuse, and maintains its many heritage listed properties for the legacy of inland Australia.”

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BathurstCharles Sturt University