CSU tops 2018 corporate blood donations in central west
27 FEBRUARY 2019
* CSU blood donations save lives * CSU topped Red Cross 2018 corporate blood donation challenge in NSW central west * New blood donors always needed and welcomeStudents and staff at Charles Sturt University (CSU) have the opportunity to save lives and improve on last year’s campus tally when the Red Cross Blood Donation Service mobile van comes to the campus from Monday 11 to Wednesday 13 March.The Red Cross hosts several different categories of blood donor ‘Challenges’ annually, with differing durations.In 2018 CSU staff and students topped the Red Cross’s 2018 Red25 corporate blood donation challenge in the NSW central west region when they made 225 individual donations which the Red Cross estimates saved 675 lives.Red25 group organisations include five regional councils (Bathurst, Cabonne, Cowra, Mid-Western, and Lithgow) major enterprises (such as banks and power companies), government departments, businesses, schools, and services providers (eg SES, police).In addition, in the Top10 Red25 groups for NSW / ACT in 2018 CSU ranked fifth behind NSW Police, the RAAF, the Australian Army, the RAN, and was the top university for blood donations.Student liaison officer at CSU in Bathurst Mr Scott Hatch said, “This is an outstanding contribution to the community by Charles Sturt University donors.“The blood donations by our students and staff embody the University’s values of being inclusive and impactful.“I thank all our donors, and encourage new students and others to consider becoming blood donors.”New donors can make an appointment at www.donateblood.com.au or by calling 131 495.Mr John Feist, NSW/ACT Community Relations Officer with the Australian Red Cross Blood Service, said, “We say a massive thank you to all the students and staff at Charles Sturt University for their fantastic efforts donating blood in 2018.“The 225 individual donations at campuses in the central west saved an estimated 675 lives.“Furthermore, blood donations across the whole University helped to save over 7,200 lives, which is an amazing achievement and everyone involved should be extremely proud.“The patients and their families that have been helped by those donations will be forever grateful.“We look forward to your continued efforts in 2019. Let’s see if we can save even more lives together this year!”Mr Feist noted there is currently an appointment shortfall for the mobile blood donation unit’s visits to Lithgow, Bathurst, and CSU in Bathurst in March (Monday 11 to Wednesday 13), so potential donors are encouraged to contact the Red Cross to make an appointment.In the 2018 intercampus Challenge CSU in Bathurst came second (425 donations) to CSU in Wagga Wagga’s 1,000 donations.All CSU staff and student donors are asked to check with Red Cross staff when next they donate to ensure that they are allocated to a specific CSU campus tally - no matter where they make their donation - for the 2019 Intercampus Challenge which runs from 1 March to 1 July.CSU students and staff made a total of 2,415 blood donations in 2018, saved 7,245 lives, and CSU was the fourth largest blood donation university in Australia.
Media Note:
Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews. The Red Cross mobile blood donation van will next be at CSU in Bathurst from Monday 11 to Wednesday 13 March, outside the gym (building 1220, on Village Drive).
New donors can make an appointment at www.donateblood.com.au or by calling 131 495.
The Red Cross hosts several categories of blood donor ‘Challenges’, for different periods during the year. For example:
* CSU is the top university donor in NSW-ACT (whole year, 1 January-31 December)
* CSU is the fourth highest donor of all universities in Australia, from 1 March to 31 May (the National Tertiary Education Challenge)
* CSU is the top corporate donor in the NSW central west region (Red25 Challenge, whole year, 1 January-31 December)
* CSU is the fifth ranked corporate donor in NSW-ACT (Red25 Challenge, whole year, 1 January-31 December)
* The CSU Inter-campus Challenge, from 1 March to 1 July (Wagga 1st, Bathurst 2nd, Albury-Wodonga 3rd in 2018).
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