Free CSU public lecture: leading UK philosopher on senior citizen rights

17 APRIL 2018

A leading international philosopher will present a free public lecture at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Bathurst on Friday 27 April.Professor David Archard, the Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at Queen’s University Belfast and Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics (UK), will deliver the free public lecture.As part of the CSU ‘How to Live Well’ Series, Professor Archard's lecture titled ‘Senior Citizens: Rights, Duties and the Old’ will examine the rights and issues affecting older Australians.Outlining his lecture Professor Archard (pictured) said, “It is all too easy to think of the old within our society as the beneficiaries of collective care at the inequitable expense of others and at the same time as possessed of civic rights – such as that of voting - that are exercised to the detriment of the interests of those who will outlive them.“Yet while we do have duties to the old, there is reasonable disagreement as to the value of longer lives and the place of old age within these.“Such disagreement can only be resolved by political deliberation.“The right to vote should not be accorded only on the basis of a principle of affected interests.“Moreover, the senior citizen has a particular status, perhaps not one as the repository of accumulated wisdom, but as that of our collective memory,” Professor Archard concluded.The free public lecture is from 6pm to 7.30pm on Friday 27 April in room 223 in building 1292 (near car park 7) at CSU, Panorama Avenue, Bathurst.The presentation will include a discussion, followed by light refreshments. Please register your attendance by Tuesday 24 April here.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews with Emeritus Professor David Archard.

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