Report launch for child-safe, child-friendly Bathurst

28 APRIL 2017

The evaluation report about initiatives to create a child-safe, child-friendly environment in Bathurst has been launched at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Bathurst on Thursday 27th April.The report, prepared by CSU researchers Dr Sandie Wong and Dr Tamara Cumming, evaluated the effectiveness of the Bathurst Child and Family Network 2016 workforce development approach to the 'building child-safe, child-friendly communities initiative'.Ms Annette Meyers, the facilitator of the Bathurst Early Learning Support (BELS) and chair of Bathurst Child and Family Network (BCFN), said, "The quest of the BCFN is to help create a world where children are active, engaged and valued citizens."The purpose of the of the child-safe, child-friendly initiative was to provide opportunities and resources for organisations working with children and families to increase knowledge and awareness, make changes, and share their experiences and expertise in developing and implementing child-safe, child-friendly policies and practices."The launch promotes community awareness of the report through local and regional media, and aims to engage all early childhood and government agencies and schools in the region to inspire them to take action to embrace a child-safe, child-friendly environment in their organisation."Key findings of the report and future directions of the Bathurst Child and Family Network were outlined at the launch at The Grange at CSU in Bathurst at 10am Thursday 27 April.The initiative was evaluated through a CSU Community-University Partnership Grant.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews with Ms Annette Meyers the facilitator of the Bathurst Early Learning Support (BELS), or with CSU researchers Dr Sandie Wong and Dr Tamara Cumming.

Photo, front row (left to right): Mayor of Bathurst Councillor Graeme Hanger, Ms Annette Meyers, Dr Sandie Wong and Dr Tamara Cumming, with guests at the launch behind them.

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BathurstCharles Sturt UniversityResearchTeaching and EducationSociety and Community