Research visit supports preschools in Forbes and region

3 AUGUST 2017

Early childhood education researchers from Charles Sturt University (CSU) visited Forbes Preschool recently to share reflections on research completed last year.Dr Tamara Cumming, Dr Audrey Wang and Ms Jenny Dwyer from the CSU School of Teacher Education in Bathurst visited Forbes Preschool on Friday 28 July. They were accompanied by two educators from Live Better Community Services (previously Care West) preschools in Orange who also participated in the research with preschools in Forbes and Dubbo.Dr Cumming explained that the 2016 research explored the preschool experience of children in disadvantaged communities, and tracked their progress towards school readiness."Working closely with early childhood educators as research partners over the course of the year allowed for rich insights and testing at multiple times," Dr Cumming said."The findings of the report made visible the changes in children's development, as well the complexities of working with communities where families experience disadvantage, and of non-Indigenous educators working with Indigenous communities."Friday's visit allowed us to continue our engagement with educators from the preschools, and to support the participating educators to reflect and discuss their experiences and the findings between themselves."As well as discussing the implications of the report's findings, we planned for future research together, with the support of the University and industry partners."The researchers presented an orange tree to the preschool to thank the educators and children for being part of the 2016 research project.The CSU researchers who worked on the 2016 project were Dr Audrey Wang, Dr Tamara Cumming, Dr Libbey Murray, Ms Jenny Dwyer and Professor Linda Harrison.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews with Dr Tamara Cumming.

The photo shows CSU researchers with early childhood education staff during the visit to Forbes Preschool on Friday 28 July.

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BathurstCharles Sturt UniversityResearchTeacher education