Strong Moves Camp in Bathurst for Indigenous students

21 NOVEMBER 2017

Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Bathurst is hosting a Strong Moves Camp for Indigenous high school students from the Riverina, Mid North Coast, and the NSW Central West from Monday 20 to Friday 24 November.Future Moves program coordinator in the CSU Office of Students Mr Ben Morris (pictured) said, "Strong Moves is a mentoring program that engages Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students through a series of activities designed to build and strengthen expectations that further study is a realistic goal."It will be a fun and exciting week for the students, with staff from multiple faculties running workshops with the students."Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from the NSW Riverina, Central West and Mid-North Coast regions will be staying on campus in Bathurst to experience university life first-hand. They will participate in a series of workshops aimed at building confidence, celebrating achievements, and discovering the wide variety of future educational options they have before them."Disciplines areas and courses the students will experience include psychology, policing, TV production, engineering, nursing, and physiotherapy.Schools attending include Mt Austin High School (Wagga Wagga), and from the Mid-North Coast; Hastings College West Port Campus (Port Macquarie), Melville High School (Kempsey), and Port Macquarie High School.From the central west, schools include Dennison College Bathurst and Kelso campuses, Orange High School, and Wellington High School.

Media Note:
Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews with CSU's Mr Ben Morris.

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BathurstCharles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher educationIndigenous