Apply now for 2015 CSU CUP education grants

10 MARCH 2015

Schools and relevant community organisations in the Dubbo area are invited to apply for the first round of the Charles Sturt University (CSU) 2015 Community-University Partnerships (CUP) Grant Program. The first round of grants is for the Rural and Regional Education Development Program category which replaces the former 'Schools Development Grants' category and now includes early childhood. Head of Campus at CSU in Dubbo, Professor Jeannie Herbert, said, "At Charles Sturt University in Dubbo we're committed to working with our local and regional communities, and offering these grants to schools and early childhood centres is a great way of doing this." Applications for CUP Rural and Regional Education Development Program category close on Monday 31 March.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews.

The other CUP categories will seek applications later in the year. These include the Rural and Regional Sports Development Program (in May), and later the Rural and Regional Arts and Culture Program.

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DubboCharles Sturt UniversityTeaching and EducationHigher education