Check It Out at CSU in Dubbo

20 APRIL 2015

Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will host a very special 'graduation' for visiting primary school students as part of a Check It Out day on Thursday 23 April. Approximately 55 Year 5 and 6 students from Trangie Central School, Tullamore Central School, Peak Hill Central School, and Dubbo West Public School will spend the day on campus participating in a selection of workshops to give them first-hand experience of university life. Ms Kristie Daley, school outreach officer for Future Moves in the CSU Office for Students, said, "This fun and interactive day, aims to provide students with a university experience. Students tour the campus and its facilities, have lunch in the student dining room, and participate in hands-on faculty-based activities, and Indigenous games. They end the day with a mock graduation ceremony which includes a special presentation by the Mayor of Dubbo, Councillor Matthew Dickerson." Check it Out days are part of CSU's Future Moves program, which was developed to encourage aspiration for higher education among students in rural and remote NSW and Victoria by introducing young people to the world of university study. These students are encouraged through a positive experience to become more engaged in school studies and more confident in considering tertiary study as a realistic option. Future Moves is a federally funded initiative, run through Charles Sturt University and aligned with the Australian Blueprint for Career Development.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews or photo opportunities of students participating in experiments, classes and the graduation ceremony.

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DubboCharles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher education