CSU Orientation Week in Dubbo

20 FEBRUARY 2015

Up to 100 new students will commence at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo when Orientation Week starts on Tuesday 24 February. CSU lecturer Dr Patricia Logan will welcome students on behalf of Head of Campus Professor Jeannie Herbert, who will be in Perth as a member of the steering committee for the National Empowerment Committee that reviews initiatives implemented for prevention of youth suicide. "One of the special features of the Charles Sturt University campus in Dubbo is that it is small and it's welcoming, a place where you will quickly meet your fellow students and the staff," Dr Logan said. "Students may arrive here on their own on 'their first day', but they are not walking 'alone'. They are part of an extended community which shares a common goal; that is, to support the realisation of their degree so that both they and the community in which we live benefits." Special guests at the commencement ceremony on Tuesday 24 February include the Mayor of Dubbo, Councillor Mathew Dickerson. Mr Luke Lawrence, President of the Dubbo Student Committee, and Mr Simbarashe Dudzai, O Week coordinator in Dubbo, will also welcome the new students. CSU anticipates approximately 90 to 100 new full-time students on campus for courses in 2015. They will be joined by approximately 189 returning students. The schedule of events includes:Tuesday 24 – 10.30am Market day, followed by the official commencement ceremony at 11am, then a barbeque, information sessions, and at 6.30pm free ten-pin bowling and pizza dinner.Wednesday 25 – 9am School welcomes and information sessions, 12.30pm a SRC barbeque, and from 6.30pm a trivia night with prizes.Thursday 26 – 9am Course symposium day, followed at 7.30pm by a Hawaiian Luau night at the Commercial Hotel.Friday 27 – 11am sports day at multi-purpose centre on campus. More details can be found here.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews.

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DubboCharles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher education