CSU students sleep out for street swags


Students at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will have the support of Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann and Dean of Students Professor Julia Coyle during a sleep out on Tuesday 16 September for Swagtember. The sleep out in the University's Multi Purpose Centre will be held from 7.30 pm to 7.30 am with approximately 20 students expected to raise money for the not-for-profit organisation, Street Swags.  Similar events will be held by students at CSU in Albury-Wodonga, Orange, Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga throughout the month. Supported by CSU's Office for Students, the students will raise money for Street Swags to purchase swags for people unable to find accommodation. A range of activities have been organised to keep students entertained during the sleep out including music, movies and a barbecue breakfast.

Media Note:

Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann is due to attend the Swagtember at the Multi Purpose Centre, building 920, CSU in Dubbo from approximately 9.30pm on Tuesday 16 September following the Bangamalanha Conference Dinner at the Dubbo Convention Centre. CSU is a sponsor of the Conference which is being hosted by TAFE NSW Western.

Further information about Swagtember at CSU in Dubbo is available from CSU Student Liaison Officer Mr Kevin Faulkner on (02) 6885 7400.

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DubboCSU students