‘Freedom Ride’ screening in Dubbo
23 MAY 2014
A video about the 2011 re-enactment of the 1965 'Freedom Ride' in western NSW will be screened in Dubbo on Tuesday 27 May. Mr John Nolan, community relations officer in the Office of Indigenous Affairs at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo said, "The original 'Freedom Ride' played a significant role is advancing Indigenous rights in Australia. This is a wonderful opportunity for people to come along and see this free screening of an historic re-enactment, Freedom Ride 2011 - The Documentary. Afterwards, guests can meet some of the people who were present when the bus visited Dubbo in 2011 as part of its journey." The screening is at 10am Tuesday 27 May at the Dubbo RSL Club Theatrette in Brisbane Street, Dubbo.
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