International Nurses Day celebrated at CSU in Dubbo

6 MAY 2015

Nursing staff and students at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will salute nurses past and present with a day of activities to celebrate International Nurses Day on Tuesday 12 May. Ms Cathy Maginnis, lecturer in nursing at the CSU School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health , said the School is hosting a day of activities for nursing students and interested nurses to celebrate the invaluable contributions nurses make to the health of society. "Charles Sturt University is educating nursing students to work locally, nationally and in the international arena," Ms Maginnis said. "A career in nursing offers an abundance of areas and specialities to work in. The theme of this year's International Nurses Day is 'Nurses: A force for change: Care effective, cost effective'. This theme will be demonstrated throughout the day by visiting the history of nurses, sharing experiences of retired nurses, and looking into the high-tech world of current flight nursing with the Royal Flying Doctor Service. These events will demonstrate our ongoing commitment to educating nurses to deliver high quality cost effective nursing care to the community."

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews.

International Nurses Day is celebrated annually on 12 May, the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale.

The celebration program at CSU in Dubbo is: The Western Plains Cultural Centre will host a memorabilia display in room 124 at CSU in Dubbo with a collection about Major Joan Flint and a talk from 9am to 11am. Following this, retired nurses Patsy Forrester, Noelene Kennedy and Betty Salter will talk from 11am to 12pm about their experiences as nurses and the changes they have seen. At 1.30pm the Royal Flying Doctor Service simulator will be on campus and a flight nurse will talk about the high-tech world of flight nursing. The NSW Nurses and Midwives Association are sponsoring a cake to celebrate International Nurses Day and share with current students, staff and guests.

Please RSVP by Friday 8 May to Ms Wendy Pope on 6885 7321 or, or Ms Cathy Maginnis on 6885 7324 or

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DubboCharles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHealthNursing and midwifery