International researcher on canola

1 JANUARY 2003

Diseases in one of Australia’s important rotational crops, canola, are the subject of a 12 month long research visit to the E H Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation by Professor Minquan Li from China. As Head of the Department of Plant Protection at Gansu Agricultural University in China, Professor Li will work alongside two E H Graham Centre researchers in Wagga Wagga, Associate Professor Gavin Ash from Charles Sturt University (CSU) and Doctor Gordon Murray, from the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI). The E H Graham Centre is a joint research venture between CSU and DPI. The management of bacteria and pathogens in the soil will be examined as they prevent the crop from reaching its full potential. “Professor Li’s trip demonstrates the scope for international co-operation in agricultural research and aims to increase the ties between Australia and China in the long term,” said E H Graham Centre Director Professor Deirdre Lemerle.

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