Skill Fix workshops at CSU in Dubbo

10 NOVEMBER 2014

The Charles Sturt University (CSU) Future Moves program will host a Skill Fix workshop in Dubbo for Year 11 students from five regional high schools on Tuesday 11 November. Students from high schools in Peak Hill, Dubbo (Senior), Trangie, Trundle, and Wellington will attend CSU in Dubbo to learn tips and tricks for study and HSC/university preparation. Ms Kristie Daley, school outreach officer at CSU in Dubbo, said, "The workshops typically include sessions about learning styles, writing skilfully, effective internet research, stress management, note taking, exam preparation, and time management. This on-campus experience reinforces that tertiary education is a realistic goal and helps to consolidate preparation done within the school, as well as adding insights into tertiary level preparation. Student leaders reflect on their own journey from Years 11 and 12 through to university, the approaches that worked, and the challenges and hazards that may have impacted on their studies." The Skill Fix days are part of CSU's Future Moves program. Future Moves was developed to encourage aspiration for higher education among students in rural and remote NSW. By introducing young people to the world of university study they are able to connect with the benefits of a higher education and are then encouraged to engage in school for a more successful transition to a further education.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews.

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DubboCharles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher education