Story time event at CSU in Dubbo
20 MAY 2014
Teacher education students will read to school children at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo as part of the 14th National Simultaneous Story Time on Wednesday 21 May. Students studying the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) at the CSU School of Teacher Education will read Too Many Elephants In This House by Ursula Dubosarsky to approximately 71 Year-1 students from Orana Heights Public School in-step with thousands of students across Australia. Ms Anne McLeod, Faculty of Education acting Director, Professional Experience Unit and Transition Coordinator (Dubbo), and coordinator of the event at CSU said, "The National Simultaneous Story Time initiative encourages more Australian children in grades F to six to read and enjoy books. Our first-year Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary) students need to contribute to community engagement as part of their course, and the National Simultaneous Story Time is a great opportunity to do this." The reading will take place in the CSU library (Interactive Learning Centre, building 901) at 11am Wednesday 21 May. Orana Heights Public School students will arrive at 10.15am and conclude their visit at 11.45am. Education students from TAFE Western's Dubbo College have been invited to attend also. As part of the NSW government's Great Teaching, Inspired Learning, partnerships are been brokered between schools and universities. Each CSU campus where teacher education is taught has organised Professional Experience Advisory Boards to engage in educational discussion and support for the community in which they exist.
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