US insights for Dubbo Aboriginal business leaders

28 MAY 2014

A US entrepreneur and business leader will meet academics and Aboriginal business leaders at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo on Friday 30 May. African-American author and business leader Mr Clifton Taulbert is the guest of the CSU Faculty of Business. His Dubbo visit is part of a brief tour to highlight the current Australian Indigenous leadership and entrepreneurship research being conducted by CSU. Dr Michelle Evans, senior lecturer in leadership at the CSU School for Management and Marketing, said, "The University aims to advance the development of Australian Indigenous leadership and entrepreneurship, and Mr Taulbert has extensive US experience to share with his audience in Dubbo. His presentation, 'Dual Initiatives: Building Community and Entrepreneurial Thinking', will explore how his life was nurtured and changed by ordinary people using the 'Eight Habits of the Heart' in the process of building community. He saw the personal impact of business ownership on people who were entrepreneurs even though they may not have been familiar with that term." Mr Taulbert's presentation starts at 12.30pm Friday 30 May.

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DubboBusiness and EconomicsCharles Sturt UniversityResearchCSU studentsIndigenousInternational