Support for Bathurst Breast Screen Business Challenge

14 JULY 2009

Charles Sturt University (CSU) has signed on to the Bathurst Breast Screen Business Challenge and is encouraging its female staff aged 40 and over to take the opportunity for a free breast screening examination during paid working hours throughout July. Occupational, Health and Safety Manager at CSU, Mr David Tallentire, said, “Charles Sturt University takes its commitment to staff health and safety very seriously, and we are proud to participate in this important initiative in partnership with BreastScreen NSW and other local businesses. The University recognises the significant impact breast cancer has on Australian woman and their families. Breast cancer is the number one cancer killer of women in Australia, with one in eight women being diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. The early detection or identification of breast cancers can have significant benefits to the health outcomes of a diagnosed woman.” The screening only takes around 15 minutes to complete. To make an appointment, contact BreastScreen NSW on 13 20 50.

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