Call to reassess sentencing after Bathurst Jail riot

4 JANUARY 2017

Call to reassess sentencing after Bathurst Jail riotA senior researcher from Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Bathurst has called on NSW policy makers to reassess whether prison sentences are the best way to handle low-level crime after yesterday's riot at Bathurst Jail."The riot brings to mind some of the problems that 40 years ago, led to the Nagle Royal Commission into the infamous Bathurst Jail riots of 1974," said Dr McFarlane from the University's Centre for Law and Justice."Allegations of prison overcrowding are hardly surprising, given NSW has never had so many people in jail."We know that jail often makes people worse and doesn't add to community safety. The vast bulk of people don't need to be in jail."Addressing prison sentencing and reducing overcrowding would also help relieve pressure to extend the Bathurst jail over the next five years, which will only add to the huge financial burden for NSW taxpayers."

Media Note:

 Contact CSU to arrange interviews with Dr Kath McFarlane at CSU in Bathurst.

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