More than $40 000 in scholarships at CSU in Orange

27 MAY 2014

More than $42 000 in scholarships will be awarded to students at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Orange at a ceremony from 9.30am to 11.30am on Wednesday 28 May. Honours student in the Bachelor of Pharmacy Ms Samantha Boog, who attended local schools before continuing her studies at CSU, will receive the Capital Chemist and Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (NSW) Scholarship. Ms Boog said she believed she has an excellent foundation for a career in health as her mother was a midwife and both her grandmothers were nurses. "These scholarships will help me contribute 100 per cent towards my research, which will benefit the pharmaceutical field," she said. Bachelor of Pharmacy student Ms Jessica Morgan-Thomas will also receive the Capital Chemist Scholarship. "My goal is to become a community pharmacist in a regional area and to provide a high standard of professional health services to the local community," she said. The Capital Chemist Scholarships have been offered to students in each year of the pharmacy degree since the course began in 1997. Bachelor of Physiotherapy student Ms Chelsea Noon will receive the EnergyAustralia Scholarship. She said she aims to provide physiotherapy with a focus on musculoskeletal physiotherapy or pediatrics in regional and rural areas, and to open her own business. Energy Australia has been a supporter of the Charles Sturt Foundation Scholarship scheme for the last four years. Head of Campus Dr Heather Robinson said, "Scholarships provide valuable support to our students, allowing them to focus on their studies and work towards their professional and career goals. CSU appreciates the significant contributions of our scholarship donors and the part they play in our students' success."  The scholarships ceremony will be held in the Templers Mill Bar area at CSU in Orange in conjunction with the Deans' Awards for Excellence. Read more about CSU scholarships here.

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OrangeCSU students