CSU hosts second national summit on practice-based education

1 JANUARY 2003

The Charles Sturt University (CSU) Education For Practice Institute will hold its second national summit on professional and practice-based education in Sydney on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 April. Professor Joy Higgs, AM, the summit convener and Director of the Education For Practice Institute, said, “The summit provides a forum for university educators and researchers to address practice-based education challenges, examine advances in this field, and share good practices and models. The theme for this year is ‘Education for Practice, Work and Society’, and leading academics from Australia, including Professor Andrew Vann, the new Vice-Chancellor and President of Charles Sturt University, are keynote presenters at the summit.” Other presenters include CSU Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Ross Chambers, Professor Joy Higgs (CSU), Dr Franziska Trede (CSU), Professor David Boud (UTS), Professor Stephen Billett (Griffith University), Professor Jan Orrell (Flinders University), Dr Dale Sheehan (Canterbury University, NZ), and Ms Suzi Hewlett from the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Resources and Tertiary Education.

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