Paramedic expertise in Port Macquarie

19 MAY 2015

After 14 years as a paramedic in NSW, Mr Phillip Ebbs has a wealth of experience that he's keen to share in his new role with Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Port Macquarie.  Before taking up the role of senior lecturer in paramedicine, Mr Ebbs worked as a paramedic and manager across Sydney and regional NSW, attaining the rank of Superintendent and recently spending 12 months as an Acting Assistant Commissioner. He has been a member of NSW Ambulance Incident Management Teams for a number of operations, including the Lindt Cafe siege and the recent Hunter storms. Mr Ebbs said he's looking forward to the challenges and opportunities of his new role on the Mid-North Coast. "As part of the School of Biomedical Sciences I'll be supporting paramedics and managers in Australia and internationally as the profession meets new challenges associated with a changing scope of paramedic practice, new opportunities in health technology, national registration for paramedics, and increased requirements to work seamlessly with health and emergency service partners." Mr Ebbs assisted with the introduction of world leading stroke, mental health, cardiac, trauma and sub-acute care programs across regional NSW, particularly in the Hunter and Mid-North Coast.  He has also volunteered in Papua New Guinea, and has flown as a paramedic on helicopters in New Zealand during a paramedic exchange program.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews

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Port MacquarieHealthEmergency Management