Port Macquarie team wins Game On
1 JANUARY 2003
A team of Port Macquarie High School Year 11 business students has won a competition from 192 similar teams in 29 regional schools across NSW and Victoria. The ‘Jokers’ team, consisting of Mitchell Davis and Mark Han, was the overall winner in the year-long Game On competition run by Charles Sturt University’s (CSU) Faculty of Business. Senior business teacher and competition coordinator in the local school, Ms Dianne Davison, said the students benefited from participating in the competition as it required them to analyse situations, study information and make complex and difficult decisions. “I am sure they have increased their interests in a business career as they experienced the thrill and challenge of making high level business decisions and saw the relevance of what they learned in their school courses,” Ms Davison said. The ‘virtual business’ the students ran in the simulation game was based on the automobile industry, where they needed to make decisions on human resources, marketing, operations and finance during the competition. The Dean of CSU’s Faculty of Business, Professor Lesley White, will present a prize of $2 500 to the winning school and team at 9am at Port Macquarie High School on Wednesday 10 October. Charles Sturt University will offer its Bachelor of Business Studies on its Port Macquarie Campus in 2013.
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