University Roadshow comes to the Mid North Coast
The annual University Roadshow will commence the first leg of a tour of schools on the Lower Mid North Coast on Monday 12 February.The University Roadshow is a collaboration between Charles Sturt University, Southern Cross University and the University of New England. It will provide high school students with information on life as a university student, what they can do to prepare, and outline what paths they can take in order to pursue their dream career.The Roadshow will visit three school locations per day from Kempsey down to Bulahdelah and inland to Gloucester and Wingham, as part of a three-week tour to visit thousands of senior high school students at approximately 100 schools in NSW.Ms Bernadette Gammon, a prospective student adviser with Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Port Macquarie, encourages all senior students to attend the University Roadshow She says it is normal for Year 12 students to feel overwhelmed by the university processes.“The University Roadshow has visited schools in regional and rural NSW for over 15 years,” Ms Gammon said.“Many of the students we speak with are still undecided about where and what they would like to study, which is completely OK. We are there to help out in any way we can.“The University Roadshow gives students a chance to start thinking about life after school and allows them to speak with representatives from each of our three universities.“By joining forces on the Roadshow, the three universities are able to provide students with a wide range of options, and reduce the amount of time students need to be away from the classroom.“We aim to give school students information early so that they can make the most of the opportunities throughout the year. The Roadshow covers topics such as the courses, accommodation options, career paths, right through to pathways into university study; the University Roadshow covers it all.”
Media Note:
Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews with CSU prospective student adviser Ms Bernadette Gammon.
Photo shows the courtyard of CSU in Port Macquarie.
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