World renowned radiologists visit Mid North Coast
29 OCTOBER 2013
Advances in medical imaging to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer will be discussed when two internationally acclaimed radiologists meet with medical specialists on the Mid North Coast. Hosted by Charles Sturt University (CSU) and Healthcare Imaging Services, the education session in Port Macquarie on Thursday 31 October, will provide local GPs and specialists with the opportunity to learn from two of the world’s most highly respected radiologists, Professors Barry and Marilyn Siegel. “It is the regional referrers and subsequently the patients of the Mid North Coast who will benefit most from the visit of such esteemed Professors in their diagnostic imaging field,” said Healthcare Imaging Services National Business Development Manager - Nuclear Medicine and PET, Mr Matt Ayers. The radiologists are Australia as invited guest speakers at the annual Integrative Imaging Symposium in Sydney on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 November. In its 10th year, the conference for nuclear medicine and radiology professionals is organised in partnership between CSU, Macquarie University and the Rural Alliance in Nuclear Scintigraphy. Symposium convener and Associate Professor in Medical Radiation Science at CSU, Geoff Currie said, “Despite being located in Sydney, the conference is aimed at rural and regional communities so we ensure we engage with our local community in Port Macquarie to support the great partnerships we have with radiology and nuclear medicine departments”. From 2013, Mid North Coast students have been able to study a Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science locally, at CSU in Port Macquarie. Professors Marilyn and Barry Siegal will address an evening clinical seminar for local health in Port Macquarie on Thursday 31 October.
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