Port Macquarie
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CSU alumni in Port Macquarie
Charles Sturt University (CSU) will host a gathering in Port Macquarie on Thursday 11 October for its graduates who now reside in the city and on the Mid-North Coast. Ms Michelle Fawkes, Manager, Alumni and Philanthropy, in CSU’s Office of Corporate Affairs, said, “The cocktail-style event aims to encourage Charles Sturt University’s many alumni who live in the region to reconnect. The Chancellor of Charles Sturt University, Mr Lawrie Willett, AO, and the Deputy Chancellor, Ms Kathryn Pitkin, will attend the event. Guest speaker for the evening is Ms Kylie Little, co-owner of The Little Brewing Company and a CSU graduate. Ms Little and her husband, Warwick, who is also a CSU graduate, will offer tastings of their product range at the event. Another graduate, Mr Cameron Marshall, ABC Radio Mid-North Coast Regional Program Manager and Breakfast presenter, will offer a toast to the University.” The Alumni gathering will be from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday 11 October at 27 Grant Street, CSU in Port Macquarie. Send your RSVP here.
local_offerCharles Sturt University
Port Macquarie team wins Game On
A team of Port Macquarie High School Year 11 business students has won a competition from 192 similar teams in 29 regional schools across NSW and Victoria. The ‘Jokers’ team, consisting of Mitchell Davis and Mark Han, was the overall winner in the year-long Game On competition run by Charles Sturt University’s (CSU) Faculty of Business. Senior business teacher and competition coordinator in the local school, Ms Dianne Davison, said the students benefited from participating in the competition as it required them to analyse situations, study information and make complex and difficult decisions. “I am sure they have increased their interests in a business career as they experienced the thrill and challenge of making high level business decisions and saw the relevance of what they learned in their school courses,” Ms Davison said. The ‘virtual business’ the students ran in the simulation game was based on the automobile industry, where they needed to make decisions on human resources, marketing, operations and finance during the competition. The Dean of CSU’s Faculty of Business, Professor Lesley White, will present a prize of $2 500 to the winning school and team at 9am at Port Macquarie High School on Wednesday 10 October. Charles Sturt University will offer its Bachelor of Business Studies on its Port Macquarie Campus in 2013.
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Scholarships support Port Macquarie students
Prospective students searching for financial support for their studies at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Port Macquarie in 2013 can apply now for scholarships. Campus Director for CSU in Port Macquarie, Dr Muyesser Durur, said the University is committed to encouraging students to participate in higher education on the NSW Mid North Coast. “Charles Sturt University has established a range of scholarships specifically available for its students in Port Macquarie that can assist with tuition fees, living expenses and learning materials,” Dr Durur said. The scholarships include: CSU Port Macquarie Excellence Scholarships for students based on evidence of community leadership and citizenship as well as high academic results at school or TAFE; CSU Port Macquarie Equity Scholarships for students studying at CSU in Port Macquarie or a distance education course administered from Port Macquarie; The CSU TAFE to University scholarship program for TAFE students; and, The CSU Pathway and Partnership scholarship program for students in a CSU Pathway, articulated or integrated program with CSU and a TAFE institute. Accounting, business, creative industries, paramedic, health sciences, justice studies and social work courses will be offered on the Port Macquarie campus to start in February 2013.
local_offerCharles Sturt University
CSU and TAFE to sign agreement in Port Macquarie
Senior executives from Charles Sturt University (CSU) and North Coast TAFE (NCTAFE) will sign a Heads of Agreement at CSU in Port Macquarie on Tuesday 27 November to formalise the existing relationship between the organisations. CSU Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Garry Marchant, said both organisations share a commitment to improving participation and success of students in higher learning and supporting the skills needs of the region. “Charles Sturt University wants to help build sustainable regional institutions and communities. Our collaboration with North Coast TAFE to build effective pathways to higher education for residents on the Mid North Coast builds on our organisations’ individual strengths and provides real opportunities for the region to prosper,” Professor Marchant said. “The development of educational pathways is a proven approach to improving higher education participation and attainment. Our partnership with North Coast TAFE sits alongside relationships we have with a number of TAFE institutions in regional Australia. Each partnership is different, but they all reflect the commitment of each organisation to improving success in higher learning.” The Institute Director for North Coast TAFE, Ms Elizabeth McGregor, applauded the value of the partnership for existing and prospective students, saying that the signing of the agreement was another important milestone in increasing higher education options and access for the Mid North Coast communities. “We at North Coast TAFE believe that educational partnerships and collaboration like this are essential in delivering prosperity and sustainability to the region,” Ms McGregor said.
local_offerCharles Sturt University
Orientation for new students at CSU in Port Macquarie
Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Port Macquarie will welcome approximately 200 new students to its 2013 orientation events on Thursday 28 February and Friday 1 March before the start of the new academic year next Monday. Dr Muyesser Durur, the Campus Director at CSU in Port Macquarie, said, “It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since Charles Sturt University in Port Macquarie was established, and I am delighted to welcome new and returning students. The University now offers eight courses by Schools in three Faculties (Arts, Business, Science) as we progress our aim to enrol 5 000 students here by 2030. Charles Sturt University staff from other locations will attend the orientation in Port Macquarie to provide a wider University perspective, expertise and experience to enrich the orientation experience.” The schedule of orientation events includes a formal welcome at 2pm Thursday 28, followed by an afternoon tea for parents and supporters hosted by the Head of Campus, Professor Ross Chambers. Tours of the campus, and library and student support information sessions will run between 3pm to 5.15pm. This will be followed by an academic advisory session about Schools and courses from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. Local businesses and community groups will also showcase their wares to the students at a market stall alongside the information sessions. General assistance for students continues to be available from 9am to 5pm on Friday 1 March. A student function has been scheduled for Thursday 7 March to kick-start the student social calendar for 2013 – an important component of the CSU experience.
local_offerCharles Sturt University
Federal funds for new science research centre in Port Macquarie
The Federal government has allocated $5.9 million towards a $8 million Food, Soil and Water Research Centre to be built by Charles Sturt University (CSU) in partnership with Port Macquarie-Hastings Council. CSU Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann was onhand for the announcement which will see a new facility built on CSU’s proposed greenfield campus site on Major Innes Road, Port Macquarie. “The centre will make a significant contribution to research into soil and water management and sustainable development on the NSW Mid-North Coast and Australia, and will be integrated with the development of our new campus in Port Macquarie”, Professor Vann said. Federal Member for Lynne, Mr Rob Oakeshott, said the centre will help Australia address problems and economic opportunities in providing enough food and water for an ever-increasing global population. The facility will replace and expand an existing laboratory run by Port Macquarie-Hastings Council.
local_offerCharles Sturt University
Chinese partner universities to visit CSU in Port Macquarie
Charles Sturt University (CSU) is pleased to be hosting its China Joint Cooperation Program partners at CSU in Port Macquarie this week.The meeting will be held to discuss the current and future plans for academic collaboration, exchange information and ideas, all whilst getting to know the Port Macquarie sites and scenery. Presidents and senior staff from four of CSU's university partners in China will attend the meeting.The four university partners include Yunnan University of Finance and Economics (YUFE), Jilin University of Finance and Economics (JUFE), Tianjin University of Commerce and Yangzhou University.CSU has worked in partnership with these universities in a Joint Cooperation Program approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education, for over 17 years. During this time over 7,000 students have graduated from CSU's Bachelor of Business Studies.Senior CSU staff who will be attending the meeting include CSU Vice-Chancellor, Professor Andrew Vann; CSU Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research Development and Industry, Professor Mary Kelly, CSU Executive Dean, Faculty of Business Justice and Behavioural Sciences, Professor Tracey Green; and CSU Pro Vice Chancellor, International Education & Partnerships and Head of Campus, Port Macquarie Professor Heather Cavanagh.The Chinese delegation members will be formally welcomed to Port Macquarie by Uncle Bill O'Brien and Mr Peter Besseling, Mayor of Port Macquarie Hastings Council on 10 November 2016.Professor Heather Cavanagh said, "Hosting this meeting at Charles Sturt University's newest campus in Port Macquarie is a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase our world class facilities, and highlight the breadth of opportunities for international students to study with us and experience the beautiful lifestyle of the Mid North Coast."Our strategy for the campus in Port Macquarie is to grow both our domestic and international student numbers and we are well on target to achieve this."We are thrilled that our Joint Cooperation Program partners have sent very high level staff to this meeting, and we welcome the opportunity to further discuss our ambitious plans to enhance and expand our academic partnerships."
Iftar dinner at Port Macquarie
Members of the Port Macquarie community will gather for an Iftar dinner, hosted by Charles Sturt University (CSU) and the Affinity Intercultural Foundation, to mark the Islamic month of Ramadhan on Friday 12 July. ‘Iftar’ refers to the evening meal when Muslims break their fast during the holy month, and is traditionally shared with friends, neighbours and relatives. Foundation executive director Mr Ahmet Keskin said Ramadhan was a significant time of the year for the Muslim community. “It's a time for reflection and sharing. Each year we see the Muslim community open their hearts and their homes to the general public, as they invite friends from all walks of their life to be around the dinner table. We look forward to breaking bread with our friends from the north coast of NSW," he said. CSU in Port Macquarie campus director Dr Muyesser Durur said the University was very happy to have the opportunity, in conjunction with the foundation, to host the dinner. “Part of the University’s role on the Mid North Coast is to encourage and support the sharing of ideas and ideals within and among the community,” she said.
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