A lucid view of photography

1 JANUARY 2003

The annual exhibition by graduating photography students from Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Wagga Wagga is predicted to be the largest show in its five year history. Twenty Bachelor of Arts (Photography) students from the School of Communication and Creative Industries at CSU will exhibit up to 60 photographs, ranging in size from one to two metres wide at the Wagga Wagga Art Gallery from Friday 19 October to Sunday 9 December. Photography and digital imaging lecturer Mr James Holcombe said, “The exhibition has become a much-anticipated event on the local Art Gallery calendar. Opening nights last year and in 2010 attracted crowds of more than 300 people.” Lucid: CSU Photography Graduation Exhibition will be officially opened by CSU Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Andrew Vann at 6pm on Saturday 20 October. The photography students are due to graduate from CSU in Wagga Wagga on Tuesday 11 December. One exhibitor, Mr Jacob Raupach said, “This exhibition will be an excellent opportunity to see out the course with a big community event. I am extremely proud to be exhibiting my work alongside some really talented photographers."

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