CSU supports Committee 4 Wagga future leaders initiative
20 FEBRUARY 2019
* CSU to provide resource and professional development support to local leadership initiative – Wagga School Leaders Program * The Program focuses on nurturing Wagga Wagga’s future leaders * CSU AgriTech Incubator in Wagga Wagga will host the Program launch and Module One of the Program on Thursday 21 February Charles Sturt University (CSU) representatives will attend the official launch of the 2019 Committee 4 Wagga (C4W) School Leaders Program - a community initiative designed to nurture aspiring local leaders, and build a network of young Wagga Ambassadors. The Wagga School Leaders Program (WSLP), which has been running since 2016 is an example of the C4W’s core objective to develop and expand a leadership base, while enabling the local community to initiate and effect positive change. CSU Strategic Adviser Regional Development the Hon. Fiona Nash, will be presenting at the 2019 official launch on Thursday and said that the Program offers fantastic professional development opportunities to the next generation of regional leaders. “Being involved in an initiative like this that nurtures our young leaders, demonstrates the strength of our regional communities and encourages us to think progressively about our future challenges, shows how important we believe it is for Charles Sturt University to invest in growing stronger regions,” Ms Nash said. “We sometimes forget that a third of our nation is made up of people living outside of capital cities so it’s crucial that we support initiatives that foster the capability and leadership needed to assure strong regional growth into the future.” The Program schedule for 2019 is made up of seven different modules that cover topics on leadership, health, well-being and more broadly, the environment of the local community and what it means to be a Wagga Ambassador. Students selected by the participating Wagga Wagga high schools, will attend six single-day sessions across the course in the first half of the school year, with each of the seven modules of the curriculum designed to achieve different learning outcomes.The Program engages students in a series of challenging exercises including workshops, lectures, regional industry excursions, physical activities and mentoring sessions to develop their capacity to become successful leaders and community representatives.C4W Chair, Michael Quirk will provide the official overview and launch of the program on Thursday. Mr Quirk said that it has been fundamental to have the CSU AgriTech Incubator as a resource to facilitate the students learning experience.“Participation in the School Leaders Program should assist participants to analyse their strengths and areas for development; enable them to set personal and vocational goals; and, develop their self-awareness and self-confidence to ensure those goals are achieved,” Mr Quirk said. “The C4W recognises the importance of community leaders taking responsibility for the development of our city’s future leaders. We are extremely thankful to the sponsors and supporters involved, and for CSU and C4W it is an excellent opportunity to showcase our burgeoning community relationship.” The program for 2019 will be delivered by C4W Program Consultant, Chris Fitzpatrick and Lisa Simpson, supported by C4W Executive Assistant Michelle Ford. For more information on WSLP visit http://www.committee4wagga.com.au/wslp-2/
Media Note:
To arrange interviews with Ms Fiona Nash contact Hilary Longhurst at CSU Media on mobile 0498 578 541 or news@csu.edu.au
Media are also invited to attend the program launch and Module One overview at the CSU AgriTech Incubator from 10.20am to 11.10am.
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