Postgraduate study a career-defining experience for University Medallist

30 MAY 2024

Postgraduate study a career-defining experience for University Medallist

A mature age Charles Sturt University Postgraduate University Medal awardee said the experience of studying was career-defining and has enhanced her professional capabilities.

Ms Tracey Baker (pictured above, left) was awarded a Postgraduate University Medal when she graduated with a Master of Communication in the Charles Sturt School of Information and Communication Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Education ceremony in Bathurst at 10am on Thursday 30 May.

“I’m incredibly grateful and humbled to study at this level and proud to have been awarded a Postgraduate University Medal by the University. It is a wonderful honour, and I was thrilled to receive this in recognition of my study efforts,” she said.

A Postgraduate University Medal is awarded by the University to students who have completed the required coursework requirements and achieve a grade point average of 6.75 or higher.

Tracey was motivated to continue postgraduate study with Charles Sturt University to specialise in her areas of interest which are Organisational Communication and Culture.

“I chose to study a Master of Communication to advance my knowledge at an academic level but also to be effective and make a positive difference in organisational life,” she said.

Tracey said organisations are places of complexity and diversity, but also places where people need to feel safe to thrive and flourish, and therefore organisations have a social role and responsibility to sustain ethical and positive conditions and cultures.

“My research dissertation tapped into this contemporary area of interest in the organisational communication genre to explore the nature of positive affect and emotion and how this practically implicates the culture of a well-functioning organisation,” she said.

Tracey’s professional work and study interests stem from a more than 30-year career she describes as ‘people-relations’ (customer, community, marketing, PR, consulting).

“Studying communication at master’s level allowed me to develop a deep and rich understanding of the complexity of human communication, from an organisational context and perspective, and specialising has greatly enriched my capabilities and thinking in organisational communication perspectives,” she said.

Tracey, who is from Adelaide and now lives and works in Sydney, said studying at master’s level has been the most rewarding honour and privilege of her life.

“My experience studying online at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst was incredible. I loved it!” she said.

“I’m absolutely thankful for access to a high-quality program of study, backed by outstanding academic guidance, supervision and support, and a brilliant researcher program by the University’s staff and faculty.”

Tracey’s advice for younger or intending students?

“I’d say to the next generation of students, go for it. Keep studying. It is so worth it,” she said.

“Follow your passion, study what interests you and learn everything about it. Appreciate that learning is continuous and will be one of the best and most rewarding opportunities to change and keep shaping your life. Engage, as much as you can, in all the support that Charles Sturt University offers.”

Media Note:

To arrange interviews with Ms Tracey Baker, contact Bruce Andrews at Charles Sturt Media on mobile tel:0418669362 or

Photo: Graduate Ms Tracey Baker with Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Graham Brown at the Charles Sturt Faculty of Arts and Education graduation ceremony in Bathurst on Thursday morning 30 May.

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