High school students get glimpse at career as regional health professionals

11 APRIL 2024

High school students get glimpse at career as regional health professionals

Charles Sturt's Three Rivers Department of Rural Health hosted a careers day for Year 10 and 12 students from Lachlan, Parkes and Forbes LGAs.

  • Charles Sturt’s Three Rivers Department of Rural Health hosts health careers day for Year 10 to 12 students from Lachlan, Parkes and Forbes LGAs on Wednesday 10 April

Charles Sturt University’s Three Rivers Department of Rural Health (DRH) hosted a careers forum for Year 10 to 12 students from the Lachlan, Parkes and Forbes Local Government Areas.

The health careers forum was held on Wednesday 10 April at the Red Bend Catholic College in Forbes and aimed to entice rural students to enrol in health profession courses at a regional university such as Charles Sturt.

Students engaged and networked with community industry professionals to develop their interest toward a career in health.

Attendees also participated in interactive workshops and discussions to showcase careers in regional and rural health, which gave students the opportunity to discover what Charles Sturt has to offer.

Three Rivers DRH Pathways Coordinator Ms Alishia Tomlinson said bringing this event to the region allowed students to see firsthand the possibilities within their community.

“We believe we can raise the aspirations of local students by providing them with the knowledge and understanding of the various health careers and opportunities that exist in regional NSW while encouraging them to take the leap to pursue a career in health,” she said.

Media Note:

To arrange interviews with Ms Alishia Tomlinson, contact Nicole Barlow at Charles Sturt Media on 0429 217 026 or news@csu.edu.au

Three Rivers Department of Rural Health (DRH) aims to improve the recruitment and retention of nursing, midwifery, allied health and dentistry professionals in rural and remote Australia. It is led, administered and operated by Charles Sturt University in consortium partnership with The University of Notre Dame, the University of New South Wales and Western Sydney University. Three Rivers DRH is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training program.

Photo caption: Registered nurse Hannah Davey, who is working with Charles Sturt's School of Rural Medicine, helps with demonstrations at the career forum.

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DubboOrangeCharles Sturt UniversityThree Rivers