Refugee policy reform - free public lecture at Charles Sturt in Bathurst

4 MARCH 2025

Refugee policy reform - free public lecture at Charles Sturt in Bathurst

Charles Sturt University is hosting a free public lecture that will look at questions politicians should consider to support humane and practical policies for refugees and people seeking asylum.

  • Charles Sturt in Bathurst is hosting a free public lecture regarding refugee policy reform on Thursday 6 March

Charles Sturt University is hosting a free public lecture that will look at questions politicians should consider to support humane and practical policies for refugees and people seeking asylum.

The event is led by the Bathurst Refugee Support Group and supported by Charles Sturt, with the free lecture to be held on Thursday 6 March from 6pm to 8.30pm at Charles Sturt in Bathurst

CEO of the Refugee Council of Australia Mr Paul Power will present the lecture, which will outline an agenda for refugee policy reform for the next Australian Parliament given the federal election approaching in May.

The lecture looks beyond the upcoming federal election, noting the questions ministers and parliamentarians should be considering to support humane and practical policies for refugees and people seeking asylum.

Charles Sturt’s Director of External Engagement in Bathurst and Orange Ms Julia Andrews said the University was proud to be a part of this important conversation.

“We’re lucky to have proactive groups like the Bathurst Refugee Support Group in our community to champion human rights, particularly given our rich multicultural presence in Bathurst,” Ms Andrews said.

“To be able to support them by giving them a platform to share their voices and host these events is a privilege which we are excited to be a part of.”

Mr Power, who is the head of the national umbrella body on refugee policy, helps to lead non-government organisations’ advocacy with the Australian Government and United Nations agencies.

He said the Refugee Council worked with a broad coalition of organisations to put forward a constructive platform for policy change prior to each federal election.

“Since the 2022 election, the Government has made some important steps forward, including granting permanent residency to refugees on temporary protection visas, increasing the Refugee and Humanitarian Program and recruiting more decision-makers to address a growing backlog in protection visa applications,” Mr Power said.

“However, there is much more to be done, particularly to resolve the situation of thousands of people who sought asylum in Australia 12 or more years ago, and to build on the positive legacy of nearly 80 years of involvement in refugee resettlement.

“On Thursday, we will look at the positives and negatives of Australia’s current policy and how we might build political support across the Parliament for constructive strategies for international action to address the needs of people displaced by persecution and conflict.”

The lecture will be held in building 1292, lecture theatre 223 (off Village Drive, opposite car park 7) at Charles Sturt University, Panorama Avenue, Bathurst.

Following the lecture, light refreshments will be offered with the opportunity to network with like-minded attendees.

Register your attendance and secure free tickets online.

Media Note:

For more information or to arrange an interview with Ms Julia Andrews, contact Jessica McLaughlin at Charles Sturt Media on 0430 510 538 or via

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