Program helps boost central west businesses


CenWest Innovate seeks businesses in the wider central west to participate in its coming much-praised Next Stage Growth Program.

CenWest Innovate seeks businesses in the wider central west to participate in its coming much-praised Next Stage Growth Program.

Professor Morgan Miles (pictured), Professor of Entrepreneurship in the CSU School of Management and Marketing, is the academic lead on the Next Stage Growth Program.

Professor Miles said, “CenWest Innovate’s Next Stage Growth Program is a six-month acceleration program for existing businesses wanting growth in sales, revenue, skills, people, knowledge, capacity, markets, and more.

“The program is led by experienced, highly-qualified presenters and educators. The program will develop the skills and opportunities people need to successfully grow their business.

“Our Mentor Match-up will identify and will align participants with a personal business mentor peer-to-peer roundtable session, and create and develop a supportive cohort with other business owners from a wide range of business sectors and life experience.

“The Next Stage Growth Program will get participants working on your business, not just in it.”

Download an application form and apply today, or speak to CenWest Innovate’s Ms Christine Sweeney on 6338 4503 for further information.

Professor Miles said that businesses that have already participated in a CenWest Innovate Next Stage Growth Program include timber merchants, digital app developers, driving schools, and accountancy firms. All have praised the practicality of the program. Testimonials include:

“It’s given us the opportunity to think outside the square for the accounting practice, which is in a very traditional field,” according to Ms Melinda Reid of Pearce Accounting, Orange. “For me personally, it’s given me ideas as far as developing my own skills so that we have more to offer to our clients and just taking the accounting firm in another direction.”

Mr Brian Mullany from Grove Estate Wines in Young NSW said, “I think the Next Stage Growth Program is one of our most important things and probably one of the best things we’ve done in our whole business over the last 30 years”.

App developer Mrs Zoe Hida, the Business Development Manager at Appiwork in Bathurst, said, “The Next Stage Growth Program has helped Appiwork to implement new strategies to commercialise and secure investment for the app projects we’re working on.”

Mr Matthew Irvine, Director of Panorama Road Safety in Bathurst (the Peak Connect Carillon Business of the Year 2017), said, “I would absolutely recommend this course and this program to other businesses. It is immersive and practical, with outcomes that are very, very useful and serviceable in terms of making my business function better.”

Ms Heather Ramien, a Director of Ramien’s Timber Co in Dubbo, said, “I would recommend that any small business, any business, anyone you know out there who’s looking to grow their business to the next stage absolutely gets in contact with CenWest Innovate and jumps on board. You’ll really enjoy it but get so much from it. It’s just more than what we expected. A really, really good thing to do, brilliant.”

Applications close at the end of March, for the six-month Next Stage Growth Program to commence on Thursday 5 April.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews with Professor Morgan Miles who is based at CSU in Bathurst.

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BathurstDubboOrangeBusiness and EconomicsCharles Sturt UniversityHigher educationVocational education