Charles Sturt University statement on Australian Universities Accord Panel’s final report

26 FEBRUARY 2024

Charles Sturt University statement on Australian Universities Accord Panel’s final report

Charles Sturt University congratulates the Accord Panel Chair, Professor Mary O’Kane AC, and the other members of the Panel for producing a comprehensive and potentially game-changing blueprint for reform.

By Charles Sturt University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Renée Leon:

Charles Sturt University welcomes the release of the final report from the Australian Universities Accord Panel.

The University particularly welcomes the report’s recognition of the many important contributions regional universities make in helping regional students achieve their higher education and career aspirations. And, as the report notes, regional universities boost productivity, contribute to regional innovation and economic development, are major regional employers, and centres of cultural and social activities.

A key focus of the report is setting ambitious targets for tertiary education participation and attainment. Supporting regional students and those from diverse backgrounds to enter and succeed at university is at the core of Charles Sturt University’s mission and identity.

Charles Sturt supports the report’s recommendation to introduce needs-based funding for students which will be essential to achieving equity in higher education. As the report proposes, this funding model needs to include a component based on the location of study, as providing quality higher education in regional areas comes at a higher cost.

First Nations students should have access to higher education in common with all other Australians, and the opportunity to fill skilled workforce needs in their communities. The Accord can be brought to life in a very practical way through tailored and targeted educational pathways for prospective First Nations professionals in regional Australia. Charles Sturt already has one of the largest cohorts of First Nations students among Australian universities, and is increasing its support for First Nations student success and First Nations researchers in line with the important recommendations of the Accord for First Nations equity.

The University is also pleased to see the Accord Panel urge the government to work with the higher education sector and others to increase the number of international students in regional areas, ensuring that the economic, social and cultural benefits of Australia’s success in international education are more widely distributed.

Many of the report’s recommendations hinge on the establishment of an Australian Tertiary Education Commission (ATEC). Charles Sturt University supports this recommendation. An independent and authoritative advisory body will provide a much-needed strategic view of the higher education system and be a valuable source of information and policy advice and long-term management of the sector.

Some of the challenges facing Australian universities cannot, however, wait on the creation of ATEC. The proposed needs-based funding model must be introduced as soon as possible, along with measures to provide financial support for students on compulsory placements and other steps to help deal with the cost-of-living crisis for many students, such as changes to the Tertiary Access Payment, increased stipends for postgraduate students, and reforms to the Youth Allowance.

We also welcome the proposal to make the Regional Education Commissioner a member of the ATEC board and recommend that ATEC and any transitional or implementation body include regional and First Nations voices at the table.

Government, industry and others must also take urgent steps to correct Australia’s chronically low and falling investment in research. Charles Sturt University welcomes the Accord Panel’s recommendation to boost funding for the Australian Research Council, with an emphasis on fundamental research, as well as measures to incentivise real-world applications such as the agri-tech innovations being led at Charles Sturt.

Charles Sturt University congratulates the Accord Panel Chair, Professor Mary O’Kane AC, and the other members of the Panel for producing a comprehensive and potentially game-changing blueprint for reform. The University would also like to offer heartfelt appreciation to the Regional Education Commissioner, the Hon Fiona Nash, who continues to be an outstanding champion for regional universities, schools and communities.

Media Note:

For more information please contact Charles Sturt Media Manager Dave Neil on 0407 332 718 or at

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