- Charles Sturt University supports international animation festival
- AIAF is internationally respected event
- Opportunity to bring world-class knowledge to regional Australia
Charles Sturt University (Charles Sturt) in Wagga Wagga willsupport the Australian International Animation Festival(AIAF) held from Friday 17 to Sunday 19 May.
The unique festival will screen 120 films selected from over 4,000 submissions to bring incredible, independent, inspiring, experimental, quality animation to as wide an audience as possible by presenting a true snapshot of the international animation scene on the big screen in Wagga Wagga.
Over the three days there will be a free seminar but most exciting is the ‘RENDER’ program.
‘RENDER’ is a two-hour long forum made up of 18 professional people (including seven Charles Sturt academics and four Alumni) who specialise in animation and creative opportunities with attendees given the opportunity learn and ask questions.
Mr Andrew Hagan Lecturer in Animation and Visual Effects in the Charles Sturt School of Communication and Creative Industries in Wagga Wagga said the AIAF is the only forum of its kind in Australia.
"The range of styles, genres and techniques is testament to the vibrancy and relevance of creative animation and the premiere screening of this highly acclaimed collection is happening right here in Wagga Wagga,” Mr Hagan said.
“The epic RENDER program also provides attendees with the opportunity to absorb two hours of rapid-fire wisdom from this diverse range of professionals.
"The University is proud to be associated with the festival given the opportunity it presents our students and to showcase Charles Sturt University’sfacilities and courses,” Mr Hagan said.
Mr Hagan said the festival will showcase an eclectic mix of films and will give audiences a complete, up-to-date snapshot of the international creative animation scene.
“There are many more surprises yet to be announced, so come along and thoroughly enjoy the AIAF experience,” Mr Hagan said.
Further event information:
Date: Friday 17th– Sunday 19th May 2019
Forum 6 Cinema
77 Trail Street, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650
(02) 6921 6863
For more information please visit the official website http://aiaf.infoor contact the Forum 6 Cinema (02) 6921 6863. Daily AIAF updates are also posted in the AIAF Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/australianfestival
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