CSU Academic Senate recommends Three Faculty Model

1 JANUARY 2003

Charles Sturt University's (CSU) Academic Senate has recommended a Three Faculty Model which will be considered by the University Council for formal approval on Thursday 29 October 2015.

Professor Andrew VannCharles Sturt University's (CSU) Academic Senate has recommended a Three Faculty Model which will be considered by the University Council for formal approval on Thursday 29 October 2015.

Two models for a three faculty structure for CSU were provided to the Academic Senate for review following a two month consultation process which involved academic and general staff as well as students.

The CSU Academic Senate voted on the two models and the outcome of this vote is that the following Three Faculty Model is being recommended to University Council:

  • Faculty of Science
  • Faculty of Arts and Education
  • Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences

Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann said, "This faculty structure will position CSU to thrive into the future. In addition it will bring the University many opportunities for collaboration and benefits including two new faculties that are balanced in terms of load, mode of enrolment and number of schools to ensure financial sustainability into the future.

"The new three faculty structure for CSU is part of a change proposal which was put forward in August in order to enhance the University's core responsibility of delivering quality services to students and allow the university to respond to increased international and domestic competition.

"This change proposal also includes a Common Support Model. More information on the implementation of both the Three Faculty Structure and the Common Support Model will be provided in the weeks following the meeting of University Council.  We will be communicating regularly with staff and students during this time."

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media on news@csu.edu.au for more information.

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