CSU alumni contribute to a thriving society

30 MARCH 2017

A CSU alumnus is urging leadership in schools on the use of social media to ensure the medium builds, engages and celebrates communities.

A Charles Sturt University (CSU) alumnus is urging leadership in schools on the use of social media to ensure the medium builds, engages and celebrates communities.

In the latest edition of the CSU alumni magazine Thrive, Mr Peter Sutton outlines his journey through studying education at CSU to social media adviser/consultant and co-author of the 2016 book, Social Remediation.

The book, co-authored with his late friend and journalist Mr Andrew Hughes, follows five years of work with schools around the world to take social media out of marketing and promotion.

"More than ever principals need to 'own' their school's online presence," Mr Sutton said.

"Social media should not be delegated to a beginning teacher and schools must, 'own the space, participate or others will participate for you – and without you.'

"Social media in schools can be brutal and it needs a different approach to sales and marketing.

"Like the flick of a match, the light touch of a finger across a screen can send a raging, reputational online bushfire on its way.

"However, it can also build conversational bridges among the busy lives of parents where the risk is minimal."

Mr Sutton has outlined 10 steps for schools to undertake to truly embrace social media from the top including putting it on the school leadership agenda as a permanent fixture, an audit of all school communications, and drawing on the expertise of teachers, administrators and students.

He says the proper use of social media in schools needs leaders, planning, financial resources and integration with other forms of school communication.

Read more in Thrive about Mr Sutton's career since graduation, here.

He is one of a number of alumni being celebrated in Thrive.

Thrive is produced by the CSU Division of Marketing and Communication. Keep connected with CSU alumni here.

Media Note:

CSU graduate Mr Peter Sutton posted his blog, Principals, it's time to own your school on social media here

For interviews with Mr Sutton, contact CSU Media.

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