CSU Excellence Awards celebrates staff achievement

18 JULY 2018

Charles Sturt University (CSU) will hold its first CSU Excellence Awards on CSU’s Foundation Day, Wednesday 18 July to celebrate exceptional achievements that contribute to the University’s purpose and strategy in line with its ethos and values.

Charles Sturt University (CSU) will hold its first CSU Excellence Awards on CSU’s Foundation Day, Wednesday 18 July to celebrate exceptional achievements that contribute to the University’s purpose and strategy in line with its ethos and values.

Across three themes, Strong University, Successful Graduates, and Vibrant Communities, the awards were open to all University staff.

CSU Acting Vice-Chancellor Ms Jenny Roberts said, “The awards are an important opportunity to acknowledge the work and leadership of University staff and to also connect them across the campuses, combining with Foundation Day celebrations.

“This is the first time we have held CSU Excellence Awards under our new program and believe the formal acknowledgement of staff contribution will shine a light on their success and dedication.”

Theme winners

Strong University

Recognises and celebrates outstanding contributions of individuals and teams who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in supporting a positive, respectful and performance-based culture that contributes to the success of CSU.

Winner: Kate Organ

Kate received the award because of her inspirational work ethic, determination, collaboration in driving change in the implementation of a new Ethics and Compliance Unit.

Winner (team nomination):

Kate Aylmore as team lead used her effective communication and engagement skills to bring stakeholder needs and wants into the project solution. The result was a significant improvement to the way students can apply for Special Consideration.

Winner: Christine Lindsay

Christine has taken her every day task of collating exit, orientation and student surveys to create insights that improve University life for current and future students. Christine has provided this information to University leadership to guide them in decision making and introducing improvement to processes.

Winner (team nomination):

Brett Russell (team lead) and his CSU Healthy Eating Entertainment and Retail Services (CHEERS) team waste reduction campaign reduced sales of disposable coffee cups by 50 per cent across University campuses. Their work also inspired CSU journalism students to produce a documentary portraying local waste issues and the University’s action to address them.

Successful Graduates

Recognises and celebrates individuals and teams that engage, inspire, motivate and have made an outstanding and significant contribution to delivering excellence in service to students, alumni, staff, or the wider community.

Winner (team nomination):

Dr Kelly Linden and Dr Lucy Webster drove the implementation of Adaptive Learning Technologies across the University to personalise student learning and improve learning and engagement. Their commitment to student learning can be attributed to the successful implementation of these technologies.

Vibrant Communities

Winner (team nomination):

Dr Lee Baumgartner (team lead) and the Institute for Land, Water and Society (ILWS) team are driving research to ensure food security and sustainable rice production in the Lower Mekong Basin. Success of the projects being led by the ILWS team has been attributed to their on-ground work with local communities in the basin that feeds 60 million people.

Winner (team nomination):

Isabel Fox (team lead) Residence Life Team – Playing Right,were responsible for the implementation of a program to raise awareness of what sexual consent is and to reduce sexual assault among students. Since implementation, the program has begun a culture shift among student leaders and the general residential community who have been empowered with the tools needed to make a difference.

Winner: Siobhain Howard

Siobhain is working on CSU’s new AgriTech Incubator jointly funded by the University and the NSW Department of Industry. Her initiative and enthusiasm have driven the project from concept to a reality that is growing. By connecting and building networks in Wagga Wagga she has grown a community that promotes and enhances opportunities the incubator provides.

Winner: Deborah Murdoch

Deborah’s reflective, cooperative and collaborative approach has driven the improvement of student assessments. Her work is widely recognised across the Australian university community and has also ensured better student learning and preparation for future careers.

Winner (team nomination):

Anne Geddis (team lead) and Aimee Snowden School of Community Engagement Team (Wangaratta Regional Study Centre) are driving local initiatives that target 10 schools, 25 community partners, 1600 students and alumni to deliver “Inspiration STEM 2018.” The program builds the skills needed to address the workforce and communities’ needs particularly in health and agriculture. Anne and her team have used their initiative to successfully engage the community in North-East Victoria by creating awareness, understanding and engagement with the University.

CSU Excellence Award ceremonies will be held across six campus locations commencing at 10am concluding at 11am.

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