CSU graduation ceremonies in Bathurst this week

14 DECEMBER 2015

Approximately 1 616 graduates and nearly 4 500 guests will attend CSU graduation ceremonies in Bathurst this week.

CSU Bathurst gateway 5 flagsApproximately 1 616 graduates and nearly 4 500 guests will attend Charles Sturt University (CSU) graduation ceremonies in Bathurst this week.

Six graduation ceremonies for the CSU Faculties of Arts, Business, Education and Science and their Schools will be held at the CD Blake Auditorium (building 1220) at the University on Wednesday 16, Thursday 17, and Friday 18 December.

The Head of Campus at CSU in Bathurst, Professor Jo-Anne Reid, said, "Many of our graduates are already working in regional Australia and elsewhere, but they still make arrangements to attend their formal graduation ceremony because it means so much to them and their families.

"The Charles Sturt University graduation season brings thousands of people to Bathurst, many of whom stay overnight, and provide a boost to businesses in our community including hotels, motels, restaurants and cafes. It's wonderful for the University to be the centre of a significant event that graduates and their families will remember for the rest of their lives."

CSU Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann will preside at the first three graduation ceremonies in Bathurst, and Pro Chancellor Mrs Carole McDiarmid will preside at the following three ceremonies. Professional doctorates and PhDs will be conferred on 22 candidates. The Head of Campus will also host celebratory luncheons each day for special guests and dignitaries.

Wednesday 16 December starting at 9.30am – Faculty of Education; Dr Sarah Verdon, Dr Tina Stratigos, Dr Erin Hunter and Dr Tamara Cumming will receive their PhD at this ceremony. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Emeritus Professor Bob Meyenn, former Dean of the CSU Faculty of Education and passionate marathon runner.

Wednesday 16 December starting at 3pm – Faculty of Science; Dr Chia Ee Von and Dr Darren Powell will receive their PhDs. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Professor Linda Shields, Professor of Nursing in the CSU School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health in Bathurst.

Thursday 17 December starting at 9.30am – Faculty of Arts; Ms Isabel Fox (Bachelor of Arts – Honours), and Mr Adam Vujik (Bachelor of Psychology – Honours) will receive the University Medal for their outstanding academic record. PhDs will be awarded to Dr Susan Laverick, Dr Nicole Sugden, Dr Helen Quinn, Dr Peter Coslovich, Dr Mitzi-Jane Liddle, Dr Cameron McIntosh, Dr Phyllis Parr, and Dr Janelle Toohey-Moore. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Dr Don Weatherburn, Director of the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research.

Thursday 17 December starting at 3pm – Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Business; Dr Donald Alexander, Dr Kate Smith, and Dr Nicholas Davis will receive their PhDs. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Ms Edwina Bartholomew, CSU alumna and currently a presenter and host on Channel 7's Sunrise program.

Friday 18 December starting at 9.30am – Faculty of Business; PhDs will be awarded to Dr Geoffrey Bull, Dr Feng Lu Ge, Dr Julia Lynch, Dr Rohan McAdam, and Dr Vaenthan Thiruvarudchelvan. Mr Bradley Grant (Bachelor of Information Technology – Business Services) and Mr Joshua Kent (Bachelor of Information Technology) will receive the University Medal for their outstanding academic record. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Ms Lizzie Brown, CEO of Engineers Without Borders.

Friday 18 December starting at 3pm –Graduates are students from CSU's Sydney Study Centre  across all faculties. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr Doug Ferguson, Head of Asia Business Group and China Business Practice KPMG.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews. All 2015 graduation ceremonies at CSU in Bathurst will be held in the CD Blake Auditorium (building 1220) on Village Drive.

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BathurstArts and CultureBusiness and EconomicsCharles Sturt UniversityCSU graduationsResearchCSU studentsTeaching and EducationScience